Monday, February 16, 2004

Word of the day: regeneration
The sun's out, and strongly. The season has turned at last. It's not far off palpable. You can taste something in the air which connects with a far deeper part of your consciousness. There's some ancient celt in me somewhere, some gene altered under the grey skies of the north, and I can feel it. Yeah, we'll still have a few wet days, and some cold nights, but I think the worst is past. Welcome to spring, ladies and gentlemen.
It's also time for something to be done which I have been meaning to do for some time. It's been hard to divine exactly how to change the tattoo on my upper left arm to suit my more mature vision. It's not a bad tatoo, it's just an angry tatoo, and one which I think might serve my aesthetic sensibilities more productively if it is changed in form. I had it done when my day had gone badly, and it shows - the choice of spikes on the ring around it, the three-pronged Mitsubishi symbol like I'm some hard core drug dealer rather than the surfer-kid pussy who avoids chemicals like the plague, even if they're pharmacuetical. If you don't understand the reference, it because you're lucky enough to not have been exposed to some of the shit that gets pushed at you in drum 'n' bass venues - in this case, a particularly potent variety of ecstacy called a Mitsubishi, named for the symbol which adorned its face. Other include the Apple Mac, the smiley (strange, I always thought that represented acid), and the Mickey. I'll leave you to guess what symbol that last bore. I don't take this shit - after all, I find it hard enough to injest the chemicals peddled by reputable pharmaceutical companies, let alone shit from some wanker in a club wearing more fake jewellry than Jimmy Saville and trying to act like he thinks I'm a 'geezer' when really he knows I'm a Red Bull'd up student. So why the hell did I get the Mitsi symbol in a ring on my shoulder, like some kind of totem to the gods of hard core driugs and all the shit that represents? Either way, it's being changed. I've been working on the design without a great deal of success, but I think there are certainly ideas there to be followed up. I'll have to take a digital photo of the thing and have a play around in Photoshop. Perhaps I'll post a before and after bit on my homepage homepage about it...

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