Tuesday, June 14, 2005

So, blog, blog, blog...
Erm, went to see Ben Folds last night. Not too shabby. Could have done with staying out there a bit longer. Only 2 1/4 hours? What's that about? Seriously, though, it was absolutely amazing. He gives everything to the performance, to the point of having to tape his fingernails on so they don't fall off as he plays. Heroic.
In other news, I'm more determined than ever to finish my book and get the thing published, if only to prove the doubters wrong. Anyone out there keen on publishing my book for me? It's really good. Honest. Heroic fantasy, in the Eddings/Feist/Brooks mould.
My peach squash also happens to taste quite a lot like Fairy washing up liquid, because I wasn't thorough enough with the rinsing this morning. That'll learn me.

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