Thursday, June 22, 2006

Went to a gig by the band The Feeling last night. Fantastic band, full of energy, and decent tour t-shirts too... This is the only photo I took that came out looking right, but to be fair I was using a cameraphone to take it. Buy album, play album, smile.
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

There's really not a lot to say about this picture, other than to confirm that yes, it is absolutely genuine. Thank goodness for cameraphones, eh?
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Friday, June 16, 2006

Ok, so the weirdness was set to continue. The friend with whom I had the conversation which sparked my last post made things a little more confusing shortly after the last blog. She needed my help deciding what to buy a friend of hers for the wedding that she was attending a few days later. Sure, I was glad to help. I asked what the bloke was like, since she seemed to be keen to buy something he might like rather than the usual girl-oriented gifts (which is fair enough, wives have to put up with their husbands, they might as well get something nice, and usually do). I asked what he was like, and she replied, describing Ben as a bit of a computer type person.
"That's odd," I thought to myself, "my brother's going to a wedding this weekend, of someone called Ben, a friend of his, who did a computer science degree. I wonder..."
Turns out there was no need to wonder. It was the same wedding...
Of course it doesn't end there. Why should it? You see, it turns out that a good friend of my colleague, Starr, has recently moved into my brother's house. That would be a decent dose of extra strangeness were it not for the fact that Starr was a good friend of a friend of mine from halls at the beginning of university, eight years ago. I sort of knew her, talked to her a few times, and she's living with my brother.
I don't know what's going to happen next, but I can tell you it's got to be fucking strange to out-do that...