Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Female Chauvinism

Yay! The bad old days are, if not entirely behind us, at least dying slowly like a second-rate soap character. Although sexism has not been entirely eradicated, we're not doing too badly.

Except perhaps not as well as I had hoped. You see, and let's be quite frank these are isolated cases, it still lingers on in the hearts of some. My line of work brings me into contact with plenty of 'old boys', whose attitude to women would lead to the bachelor life if they hadn't already subjugated their wives when it was all the rage to do so.

What surprises and annoys me is that a female associate of mine is just as bad as any man, continually stereotyping in a rather strident voice about all the men in her life. It wouldn't be quite so galling if she didn't spend a large proportion of the remainder of her time moaning about how she, as a woman, never gets taken seriously in a male-dominated sector.

Does she realise that if she doesn't give respect she won't receive it? Why should she be treated equally if she's unwilling to extend the same courtesy to others? Hmmm.

1 comment:

DSP said...

Is that co-worker a touch snarkoleptic, perhaps?