Saturday, September 02, 2006

Stroller, Strider or Stormer
Everyone fits into one of three handy pigeonholes in this regard. Unless you have no legs. You are either:
a) a stroller - someone who slows down when walking uphill,
b) a strider - someone who maintains their speed no matter what gradient they're faced with, or
c) a stormer - someone who is so pissed off that the hill has the afront to be in their way that they actually speed up when faced with an incline.
So, which are you? Answers on a postcard to the usual address.

No purchase necessary. Closing date 1st October 2012. Thomas Rowson Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any disappointment felt at the lack of a real prize, or any loss or damage incurred by third parties as a result of any actions he may perform. This is not a VAT receipt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anna says that she is a stormer...hills are bad! That's why she doesn't live in Sheffield. I on the other hand am a stroller because I do live in Sheffield! (I being the old ball and chain!) PS Hope your time in the attic has been productive.